
Given a positive integer as an input print:

  • 'fizz' if the number is a multiple of 3,
  • 'buzz' if the number is a multiple of 5,
  • 'fizzbuzz' if the number is a multiple of both 3 && 5,
  • the same input for all other cases.


  • fizzBuzz(n) where n=1 prints 1
  • fizzBuzz(n) where n=6 prints 'fizz'
  • fizzBuzz(n) where n=10 prints 'buzz'
  • fizzBuzz(n) where n=15 prints 'fizzbuzz'
  • fizzBuzz(n) where n=7 prints 7



  • Consider only the cases for positive numbers.
  • Will print the same input argument for all other cases that doesn't match either or both multiple of both 3 && 5.


  • Consider cases for only positive integer.
  • For all other cases print the same input number.
  • Prevent stack overflow.

Edge Cases

  • Negative Number
  • 0
  • Null
  • Undefined
  • NaN (Not a Number)
  • String
  • Fraction
  • Argument Length
  • OverFlow
  • Underflow


In programming we've two very important operators:

  • Division ( / ) operator yields quotient.
  • Modulus ( % ) operator yields remainder.

The crux of the algorithm is knowing if the input is exactly divisibley by 3 or 5 or both. When a number is exactly divisible the remainder is 0. With this information let's come up with pseudocode.

Fizzbuzz Pseudocode

function fizzBuzz(num) {
    IF num is not a number OR num < 1 OR num is not an integer
        RETURN num
    ELSE IF num is divisible by 3 AND divisible by 5
        RETURN "fizzbuzz"
    ELSE IF num is divisible by 3:
        RETURN "fizz"
    ELSE IF num is divisible by 5:
        RETURN "buzz"
        RETURN num

Using the pseudocoe we'll write the fully functional fizzbuzz algorithm as follows:


Here's the flowchart to walk you through the Fizzbuzz program in a visual format.

fizzbuzz flowchart

Fizzbuzz Javascript Code

Here's the Javascript implementation of the fizzbuzz algorithm.

const fizzBuzz = (num) => {
  if (typeof num !== 'number' || num < 1 || !Number.isInteger(num)) {
    return num;
  } else if (num % 3 === 0 && num % 5 === 0) {
    return 'fizzbuzz';
  } else if (num % 3 === 0) {
    return 'fizz';
  } else if (num % 5 === 0) {
    return 'buzz';
  } else {
    return num;

Time/Space Complexity

The time complexity of our algorithm for fizzbuzz(number) is linear since we make a single iteration. Also, since we do not use any extra space therefore space complexity of this algorthim is constant.

  • Time O(n) = n, Linear.
  • Space O(n) = 1, Constant.

Unit Test

Next, we'll make use of Jest, "a delightful Javascript Testing Framework" to test our algorithm. In particular, we'll test all the following cases:

  • constraints
  • edge cases
  • regular tests


Since we are using Jest, we must have Node.js® and Jest installed. We'll also house all tests under __tests__ folder.

const { fizzBuzz } = require('../fizzBuzz');

const fizzBuzz = [
	['Hello', 'Hello'],
	[undefined, undefined],
	[null, null],
	[-30, -30],
	[0, 0],
	['1', '1'],
    [3.1415, 3.1415],
	[1, 1],
	[2, 2],
	[3, 'fizz'],
	[4, 4],
	[5, 'buzz'],
	[6, 'fizz'],
	[7, 7],
	[8, 8],
	[9, 'fizz'],
	[10, 'buzz'],
	[11, 11],
	[12, 'fizz'],
	[13, 13],
	[14, 14],
	[15, 'fizzbuzz'],

describe('\nfizzBuzz Test', () => {
    'given %p as argument returns %p',
    (firstArg, expectedResult) => {
      const actual = fizzBuzz(firstArg);
  it('fizzBuzz() function should exists', () => {
    expect(typeof fizzBuzz).toBe('function');
  it('fizzBuzz() function expects exactly 1 argument', () => {


  1. Install Node.j®
  2. Jest Getting Started


  1. Javascript Operator

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  • Fizzbuzz, Javascript, JS, ES6, Javascript Interview, Algorithm, Datastructure, Technical Interview, Interview Preparation, Coding, Coding Challenge, Programming Challenge